尋找自然的故事2019 郊野研習比賽
Searching for Nature Stories 2019
-- Field Study Competition

目標 Aims‭:‬  

1‭. ‬開拓學生對本地自然生態的關注和認知‭ ‬
Extend students‭' ‬knowledge and concerns on local natural environment‭.‬

2‭. ‬讓學生透過實地考察學習科學研究方法‭ ‬
Develop students‭' ‬scientific investigation skills through field studies‭.‬

3. 透過實地拍攝紀錄, 親身發現大自然中有趣的小故事。
Discovering the little stories in the fascinating natural world by first hand videography.

主辦機構 Organizers‭:‬  

1‭. ‬‬香港中文大學生命科學學院 ‬
School of Life Sciences‭, ‬The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2‭. ‬教育局科學教育組‭ ‬
Science Education Section‭, Education Bureau‭ ‬

3‭. ‬嗇色園主辦可觀自然教育中心暨天文館‭ ‬
Ho‭ ‬Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre‭ (‬Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen‭)

對象 Targets‭:‬

Senior secondary school students taking Biology or Combined Science (Biology part) in Hong Kong.

活動 Programme‭:‬


關於這個比賽About the competition‭:‬


* 取錄準則 Acceptance criterion:‬

根據報名的先後次序 ―‬ 先到先得
為使更多學校能參與是次比賽,每校首隊獲提名隊伍將優先取錄。 如少於35間學校報名,第二隊提名隊伍將按學校報名次序錄取,如此類推。每間學校最多可派3隊參加。

According to application order - First-come-first-served basis, whereas considerations will also be given to allow more schools to participate. School should indicate the priority of the teams nominated. It means that if there are less than 35 schools enrolling, the second nominated team from each school will then be accepted on a first-come-first served basis, and so forth. Maximum 3 groups from one school.