2014 年度「尋找自然的故事」(探究式郊野研習比賽) 獲獎考察報告
"Searching for Nature Stories" (Investigatory Field Study Competition) Outstanding investigation reports

All material contained in the reports should only be used or reproduced for non-profit making educational purposes. Any duplication in part or in full must mention the title and clearly accredit the copyright owner, that is the the author(s). Uses or reproduction for commercial purposes is not allowed.

A Tale of Two Climbers (冠軍 Champion)
Team 9. Valtorta College 恩主教書院

Team 1. Cheung Chuk Shan College 張祝珊英文中學

Team 2. Cheung Chuk Shan College 張祝珊英文中學

The sound under the rock (優異 Merit)
Team 10. Immaculate Heart Of Mary College 聖母無玷聖心書院

Team 11. Pope Pau VI College 保祿六世書院

Team 17. ELCHK Lutheran Secondary School 基督教香港信義會信義中學

Team 23. Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College 保良局百周年李兆忠紀念中學

Team 25. Po Leung Kuk Centenary Li Shiu Chung Memorial College 保良局百周年李兆忠紀念中學