2012 年度「尋找自然的故事」(探究式郊野研習比賽) 獲獎考察報告
"Searching for Nature Stories" (Investigatory Field Study Competition) Outstanding investigation reports

All material contained in the reports should only be used or reproduced for non-profit making educational purposes. Any duplication in part or in full must mention the title and clearly accredit the copyright owner, that is the the author(s). Uses or reproduction for commercial purposes is not allowed.

Team 24. 聖公會基孝中學 S.K.H Kei Hau Secondary School
Team 32. 新會商會中學 San Wui Commercail Society Secondary School
Team 5. 新生命教育協會平安福音中學 NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
Team 6. 新生命教育協會平安福音中學 NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
Team 4. 新生命教育協會平安福音中學 NLSI Peace Evangelical Secondary School
Team 30. 協恩中學 Keep Yunn School
Team 31. 協恩中學 Keep Yunn School
Team 34. 嗇色園主辦可立中學 Ho Lap College (Sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
Team 49. 伊利沙伯中學舊生會中學 Queen Elizabeth School Old Students' Association Secondary School